Reflection Essay On Content Area Pedateracy

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In class, we have been focusing on the explanation of what Literacy III: Research and Pedagogy in Content Area Literacy actually means. Content Area Literacy is defined by as “the ability to use reading and writing for the acquisition of new content in a given discipline” (McKenna and Robinson 1990). Because of the explanation of the class, I feel as if I am learning about the background and deepening my knowledge and understanding of the class as a whole. Content Area Literacy gives each subject areas a reason to include reading strategies in those lessons. These subject areas include mathematics, science, history, and English (Hodges 2015). When you can include reading strategies in these lessons, you are expanding student’s horizons and giving them multiple exposures. I think that this is extremely beneficial in the all classrooms. As for the negatives on Content Area Literacy, it should be noted that teachers should not only focus on reading during the other subject areas. Teachers need to have a medial balance between the content area and the literacy strategies …show more content…

If the teacher gives the students the best text, the student can that the knowledge from the text and apply it to critical thinking. This is considered knowledge transformation (Hodges 2015). If the wrong kind of material is used to include Content Area Literacy in subjects, the students will be suck with knowledge retelling. This will show that the material was not completely grasped. When students are stuck in the retelling phase, they do not fully comprehend the materials and reason that the materials were given in general. When a text is broken down and explained in the best way, the students can go beyond the retelling stage and begin transforming the knowledge into deeper understanding of the content given and the subject areas as a

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