Reflected Best Self Analysis

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In completing the Reflected Best Self Exercise, I feel I not only have a better understanding of my strengths but also a better understanding of how others view my strengths. My best self portrait shows the underlying factors that show who I am and I see many aspects of it present in my every day life. Everyday is a battle with anxiety and depression, but a battle I win. I do not let my anxiety make me back down from what I stand for or what I believe is right, and my depression will not limit my opportunities to achieve my goals. I work hard every day, studying, taking notes, learning and adapting my knowledge, because I am focused and motivated to do well in school. I juggle multiple tasks everyday involving both schoolwork, stuff at home, …show more content…

Whether it be giving a Band-aid, a hug, or some advice, caring for others brings me satisfaction and fulfillment. I really want to connect with the people around me and make them feel the best they can be. My best self also emerges when I am facing a challenge. Even if I am stressed, the motivation to do well, word hard, and succeed prevails over the worry. I become laser-focused and I let nothing get in my way of finishing the job to the best of my ability. I put 110% effort into everything I do because nothing would be worth accomplishing if you didn’t give it your all; I would feel no pride in subpar work. These are all some of my enablers; what enable me to be my best self. However, I also have many blockers, or things that prevent me from being my best self. My best self is blocked by certain relationships. When I work with people who do not believe in working their hardest or who take advantage of me, I am held back from achieving my goals. Since there is often no assigned leader, I can not force them to do their work. I believe in a fair and equal distribution of work and balanced relationships although I do acknowledge that people have different work attitudes. My best self is especially hindered by my anxiety with strangers or large groups of people. In those situations, I become frustrated because my fear dominates my strengths of drive, hard work, and leader/mediator. I do not voice my opinion and become a follower rather than a

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