Racism And Prejudice In Native American Culture

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Personally mediated racism is characterized by the assumptions individuals hold to be true about a certain racial or ethnic group on the basis of abilities, motives, and intentions. Often these are presented in way of bias, prejudice, or discrimination.
People identifying as Native American feel the effects of years and years of prejudice towards their way of life, abilities, and moral character. Devastating events like the massive surge of suicides occurring throughout populous Native American communities throughout North America are in relation to personally mediated racism. The feelings of being lesser than by Native American youth are derived from a stigma associated with Native American people that their culture is silly or barbaric and their input in society is less influential and important. It is not uncommon for culturally insensitive people to associate grossly inaccurate statements about the low intelligence level, drug abuse frequency, and impoverished conditions with Native American people. It begins as a spiral, upon which people who identify as …show more content…

The history that runs in the background of Native American Heritage cannot be forgotten, especially for the people carrying it. The constant mockery of Native American culture like wearing traditional headdresses, dressing up as an Indian for Halloween, and inappropriate school mascots creates a subculture of Natives Americans being portrayed as fools. The prejudice that Native American are slow, smoke herbs in teepees, and cause reckless chaos is inaccurate but creates an ingenuine image of these individuals as not being goal driven, deserving humans, entitled to the same benefits, opportunities, and life circumstances as anyone from any other ancestral

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