Racial Profiling Argumentative Essay

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Racial profiling has been one of the biggest civil rights conflicts since it's conception. Today it has progressed into the group who is suppose to protect you day and night – law enforcement. In their defense, they use this as a tactic. Although, how effective is this method? Racial profiling has a more negative impact rather than positive. Different groups of people are typically born into their financial, social status and environment that does not allow for the same opportunities as others. However, this does not define each person within that group to be the same. I do agree, somewhat, with how racial profiling helps narrow down a search when time is valuable. The problem with that is with all the statistics I have researched and reviewed, …show more content…

I disagree with many of these aspects, with the exception of one in particular, medical use. There have been tests that were said to have shown that everyone is the same by 99.9%. While I do agree with the fact that, yes, we are all human, I do disagree that we are all the same. Everyone reacts differently to certain medicines, hair products, and even the areas they live in. I've personally seen medications such as Tylenol work on my entire immediate family, including myself, but not be effective for my boyfriend. Sally Satel, a doctor, wrote an article on this topic stating her colleagues, as well as herself use the racial profiling tactic "because certain diseases and treatment responses cluster by …show more content…

In Connecticut Blacks make up 7.9 percent of the state population and somehow were accounted for over 14 percent of traffic stops. Hispanics make up 9.7 percent and made up 11.8 percent of all traffic stops. How can this be so? Maybe the police are under-reporting the stops they make and are making up the numbers. Sandy Staub, legal director for the state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated, "Police are assuming criminally or contraband based on the color of a driver's

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