Racial Inferiority

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There have been several occasions throughout history where innocent humans have been forced to divorce their rights and accept the harsh reality that was given to them, whether they had to live in a ghetto, a camp, prison, or even in their own neighborhood. This has occurred throughout multiple time periods, all around the world. Many question whether or not this is brutal reality that comes with living in separated nation states. As long as modern nation states survive, the dehumanization of mankind will continue because of the countless people on Earth who believe they are genuinely superior to others, the fact that it has occurred within several nations, and the people who continue to live on despite the suffering of others.
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He paraphrased Renan, stating that each race has is destined to perform its own function within society:
[n]ature has made a race of workers, the Chinese race, who have wonderful manual dexterity and almost no sense of honor… a race of tillers of the soil, the Negro… a race of masters and soldier, the European race. Reduce this noble race to working in the ergastulum [slave-holding dungeon] like Negroes and Chinese, and they rebel. (38)
The fact that a group is being judged as a whole is outrageous. According to Renan, the Chinese were crafted only to work with their hands, while the Negro belongs outside. The intelligent, hardworking Europeans are the ones who have been stuck with making sure everything is run smoothly. Apparently, the world would fall apart without them. Césaire goes as far as to mention that if the Europeans were “reduced” to a smaller role, there would be issues. He continues, “These Negros can’t even imagine what freedom is. They don’t want it, they don’t demand it. It’s the white agitators who put that into their heads. And if you gave it to them, they wouldn’t know what to do with it” (60). Césaire is sarcastically stating that the inferior races are not even capable of comprehending what the European life is like. The Europeans are so far advanced that they are the ones putting it in their heads. Césaire immediately shuts down the outrageous argument, stating that the Madagascans have in fact revolted on several occasions

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