Racial Inequality Research Paper

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In the United States Constitution, the pillar of our country and its ideologies, we declare that “all men are created equal” and deserving of basic human rights. Today, we, as proud Americans and promoters of equality and acceptance, consider different elements of equality other than the basic rights to live. On the basis that all men are created equal, we try to encourage respect and civility toward all people - regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. As much as America and other Western countries alike pride themselves on their diversity and respectful coexistence, various different minority groups have historically experienced, and continue to suffer from discrimination, stereotyping, and scapegoating. In recent years, Islam …show more content…

There is no denying that there are different skin colors and physical characteristics of people around the globe and common phenotypes among groups of similar descent. But unlike elements of nature and biology, race cannot exist without people, collectively, establishing and accepting it as a reality. Contrary to popular thinking, race isn’t defined by one’s skin color or phenotypes, but rather how society ranks and categorize people with particular skin colors or phenotypes. Ashley Crossman stipulates that “race and racial categories are social constructs that are unstable and shifting, and [that] can be seen to have changed over time in relation to historical and political events... and defined in large part by context.” The views of a particular “race” can vary by time period and location. Race is in no way objective - the fact that Crossman states that the term “Black” means one thing in the United States, another in India, and has an entirely different connotation in Brazil amplifies the notion that race has no concrete premise, but is subjective to the culture and dominant group of any given society. [In addition, there is a common misconception that all people of a given race share a culture; but it isn’t the biological aspects like skin color or physical features that determines said culture, rather it is the common history and region of descent that contributes to a lifestyle and its

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