Systemic Racism Research Paper

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Systemic racism by definition is a complex array of anti-black practices, the unjustly gained political-economic power of whites, the continuing economic and other resource inequalities along racial lines, and the white racist ideologies and attitudes created to maintain and rationalize white privilege and power. Systemic here means that the core racism realities are manifested in each of society’s major parts each major part of U.S society, the economy , politics, education, religion, the family, reflects the fundamental reality of systemic racism. Basically the theory of systemic racism is to interpret the rationalized character, structure, and development of this society. Today, as in the past, systemic racism encompasses a broad range of white racist dimensions: the racist ideology, attitudes, emotions, habits, actions, …show more content…

Alienating racist relations, is where whites are in positions of power and routinely discriminate against, dehumanized, and exploits black people who are marginalized also by the racist nature of institutions like education, media, and law, among others. The costs and burdens of racism are disproportionately born by black people, including shorter life spans, limited income and wealth potential, impacted family structure as a result of mass incarceration of black people, limited access to educational resources and political participation, and the emotionally community of living with less. The role that white elites play is perpetuating a racist social system via politics, law, educational institutions, the economy, and via racist representations and underrepresentation of people of color in mass media. The rationalization of racial oppression by races ideology is a key way in which systemic races operates and is central to its reproductions. Racist ideology thinks that whites are superior to people of color for biological

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