Racial Discrimination In Canada

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Chapter Overview
According to the Canadian Human right act(1985) -Which states it is illegal in organization to differentiate employees on a prohibited ground of discrimination such as race, skin color, facial feature and for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which record suspension is ordered. As a result, organizations have attempted to reduce racial discrimination. Racial discrimination remain pervasive throughout the workplace, 84cents for each dollar that non-racialized worker earn (Statistics Canada, 2006). Racial discrimination has serious consequences, including negatively impacting psychological, physical and work outcomes (Wisdom Powell Hammod, Marion Gillen, Irene H.Yen, 2010). In this chapter, we will provide an overview of racial discrimination in the workplace as it is defined legally in the Canada, discuss individual and organizational factors that increase the likelihood that racial discrimination will occur, and review the costs of racial discrimination to targeted individuals and the organizations within which they work.
Although we live in modern and independent society, racial discrimination still exists in a workplace. Individual …show more content…

Although disparities in wages have decreased over time, they remain significant. According to the Census Canada (2006) shows that first generation racialized male Canadian earn $45,388 per year while non racialized worker makes $66,078 per year and second generation racialized males make $57,237 per year while non racialized worker makes $75,729 per year. According to the Census Canada (2006) shows that the unemployment rate for non-racialized Canadian is 6.2 while those who identify as Chinese was 7.5 higher. The unemployment rate was 12.1 in for those who identify as West Asian/Arab and 10.7 higher for those who identify as

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