Rabies Virus Lab Report

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Lab Activity Part B

Disease: Rabies
Microbe: Rabies Virus

Rabies virus is an enveloped negative stranded RNA virus. It has a 12kb genome that encodes for five proteins one of which is the Glycoprotein. Although the Rabies virus has been controlled by routine vaccinations of animals in developed countries, it still remains one of the most important public health problems worldwide. In this paper, the authors state that the Glycoprotein (G) is the major attribute of protective immunity in animals and is also responsible for the introduction of virus neutralizing antibodies. The authors used baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21) and SK cells and grown them in Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum. This is the optimal medium and allows for the nutrients essential for the cells to grow. They then developed a recombinant RABV vaccine by expressing two copies of the RABV G protein in the HEP-Flury strain of the virus. At appropriate time points after infection, the cells were fixed in acetone and stained with RABV N Protein specific antibody. This is done so the authors can examine these cells under a fluorescence microscope. …show more content…

It is important to note that a control group of mice were also established where the vaccine was not injected. Results show a positive relationship with immunogenicity in mice. The protective antibody against RABV persisted for at least 12 months. This would impact the veterinarian field which in turn would impact the medical field. If less dogs contracted the rabies virus, less humans would get bitten and also contract the

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