Queen Elizabeth I Research Paper

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Have you ever heard of the Elizabethan Era? It was named for Queen Elizabeth I who was a very influential queen. Queen Elizabeth I was a powerful women: she showed exceptional intelligence, excelling at her studies well beyond any of the other royal children.

Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich; she was a princess but declared illegitimate through political machination. (Biography.com et al). Elizabeth I is the England’s most famous monarch; she grew up in complex and sometimes difficult circumstances. (Biography.com et al ). Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, his second wife, who was executed two and a half years after Elizabeth's birth. (Chelsea house). Henry VIII treated all his children with what contemporaries regarded as affection; Elizabeth was present at ceremonial occasions and was declared third …show more content…

Elizabeth also had to fend off internal efforts to remove her from the throne. When succession became an another pressing issue for Elizabeth once she took throne (Biography.com ex al). She reveal her talents as diplomat, managing a number of suitors and potential royal matches during her reign. Elizabeth seemed to have no interest in sharing power with a spouse, she cultivated her image as a queen married to her job and her people which Elizabeth earned the nickname the “Virgin Queen.” (Biography.com ex al).

In the late years Elizabeth still showed her devotion to her people, she gave one of her most famous speeches in 1601 to the Parliament, during what is referred to as her "Golden Speech," a self-reflective Elizabeth seemed to look back on her long reign. "Of myself I must say this, I was never any greedy, scraping grasper, nor a strait, fast-holding prince, nor yet a waster. My heart was never set on worldly goods but for my subjects' good." (biography.com ex

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