Queen Elizabeth I The Golden Age Essay

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Elizabeth I " The Golden Age " Queen Elizabeth I was a legend in her lifetime. In terms of her personality, she was resourceful, determined, and exceedingly intelligent. The most important questions that we want to know about Elizabeth I and her rule are; Why has this monarch, known in her time as the Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess, caught the public’s attention so persistently? Was her reign really a golden age? She encountered during her rule and how she was able to tackle these problems. One of the first problems was that of her age. She became a Queen at the age of 25 years, and she was expected to make wise decisions that pertained issues of the kingdom that she knew very little about. While her brother was provided with a private tutor to train him on how to be an effective ruler, Elizabeth had not enjoyed the same privileges in practical politics or decision making. The second problem that she encountered was that of gender. She was a female ruler I a society that had the idea that it was very wrong for any woman to exercise authority over a man. The society ha a mentality that a father was to be the head of household, and a King was to head a Nation. The emergence of a female ruler to a monarch seemed bizarre. Thus, many people choose to undermine her rule claiming that the natural order was broken. John Knox claimed “a woman promoted … to reign over a man is a monster in nature”. The fact that her predecessor was a woman made the situation even worse for Elizabeth I. Her security had also become one of her major problems, since her mother was executed by order of her father and their marriage annulled before her third birthday, so she had become an illegitimate child. Elizabeth had been arrested at the age of 21 and ch... ... middle of paper ... ...is era. It is also during this era that British started exploring other continents for new territories and there was an increase in the literacy levels, arts with great poets and playwrights. It is during this Era that Protestantism was established as the countries religion and was able to establish Britain as the leading power in Europe. Elizabeth has been proven to be one of the most popular monarchs in the history of the British. She had helped steady the nation after inheriting enormous debts from her sister Mary and helped England to avoid a crippling Spanish invasion and also she was able to prevent a religious civil war in England. Many have described her reign as the golden age of progress during which she had inspired her people to greatness. This view has not changed over the ages but has increased and she was credited with the birth of the British Empire

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