Advantages Of Quantitative Methodology In Political Science

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Does quantitative methodology have an optimistic future in the study of political science? The answer is positive. But it doesn’t mean that using quantitative methods are panaceas for every research puzzle. Applying this methodology has several principles and limits. Whether the future of quantitative methodology is bright depends on its internal capability as we as its external possibility. The contents of this paper are fourfold. The first part will introduce the definition of quantitative methodology. a clear understanding of the definition of methodology would provide political scientists with a sound background knowledge and also diminish the danger of researchers wasting their time. The second part will explain three advantages of quantitative methodology. Correspondingly, the third part will illustrate three disadvantages of quantitative methodology. Finally, combining with the first three parts, the optimistic future of quantitative methodology in political science will be divided into two parts: the internal capability and the external possibility. …show more content…

The ontology of positivism is that the world is external , which can only be studied by observation and measurement. So positivists believe that reality is stable and can be observed and described from an objective viewpoint. After the scientific revolution of social science in 1960s, more and more social scientists thought that social sciences can be built upon the same model as the natural sciences as well. Those scholars, in IR researchers, started using empirical methodology to analyze their subjects. Because in positivists eyes that social scientific inquiry should be objective and empirical, which with the goad of systematization of sociology. In the research field of international relations, quantitative study follows the logic of positivism. As Bruce Berg identified that quantitative research is a positivistic

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