Qualities of an Entrepreneurial Firm

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Every entrepreneur, and their firm must stand out from the rest in order to be successful. Many ideas are shared amongst entrepreneurs, but the successful ones find their own comparative advantage. The changing of a specific part, there by improving the product or, in this case, the business is innovativeness. The four individually were good magicians, J. Daniel Atlas as an illusionist, Henley Reeves an escapist, Merritt McKinley a mentalist, and Jack Wilder also an illusionist. Dylan Rhodes had an idea and a goal, but to implement it he had to rethink the "typical" magic show. So what does the audience want? The answer he found was to see amazed in no way ever before seen, this is accomplished by playing "robin hood" to get the support of the crowd, while planning a greater scheme. By changing the typical magic show, to giving people money they had a great fan base which allowed for their venues to be packed, hence allowing their true plans to succeed.
An entrepreneurial firm must plan ahead, and predict issues that may arise. Have a plan for what to ...

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