Qualitative Observation Lab Report

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Qualitative Observation: In Interphase, the cell still had the completed nuclear membrane surrounding the nucleus making it easier to tell apart. In prophase, the nuclear membrane starts to disappear freeing the chromosomes. This makes it harder to distinguish where the nucleus is from compared to the rest of the cell. In metaphase, the chromosomes have gone to the middle of the cell and the spindle fibers attach onto the centromeres. During this time, there will be a darkened line in the middle of the slide this would be the chromosomes lining up. In anaphase, the spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids apart to opposite ends of the cell. In telophase, the cell begins to divide. During this time, you will see the sister chromosomes displaced from the center. You can distinguish telophase apart when the cell wall …show more content…

This result is not surprising because the cell needs time to replicate DNA as well as the other cell organelles. Prophase had the second most number of cells. In prophase, the cell has to turn the loose chromatin into sister chromatids. This phase is also when the nuclear membrane starts to dissolve and when the centrioles move to opposite parts of the cell. Metaphase is when the spindle fibers attach onto the centromeres and the chromatids line up in the center. This part of mitosis was rather fast and this may be because the centroids already started moving to either end of the cell in prophase. In anaphase, the daughter chromosomes are pulled to either end of the cell. This phase ends when the daughter chromosomes are at both ends. There is no big change in this phase other than the fact the sister chromatids separated and moved to either end of the cell. The last phase of mitosis telophase is when the cell actually begins to divide. However, the onion root tip cell is a plant cell so it develops a cell wall in-between the two daughter

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