Cell Division Essay

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The process of cell division plays a very important role in the everyday life of human beings as well as all living organisms. If we did not have cell division, all living organisms would cease to reproduce and eventually perish because of it. Within cell division, there are some key roles that are known as nuclear division and cytokinesis. There are two types within nuclear division. Those two types being mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis and meiosis play a very important role in the everyday life as well. Mitosis is the asexual reproduction in which two cells divide in two in order to make duplicate cells. The cells have an equal number of chromosomes which will result in diploid cells. Mitosis is genetically identical and occurs in all living …show more content…

The first phase being prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. The second phase of meiosis are prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II. In the first stage of the first phase of meiosis, prophase I, pairs of homologous chromosomes interlace and crossing over occurs in which chromatids from the homologous pairs of the chromosomes exchange genetic material. In metaphase I, the pairs of homologous chromosomes are now beginning to assemble at the metaphase plate. Anaphase I, the sets of chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell. In telophase 1, the final stage of the first phase of meiosis, the cells splits into two and each cell has a complete haploid set replicated chromosomes. In the second stage of the second phase of meiosis, prophase II, centromeres form, separating into two new cells and the spindle apparatus is formed. In metaphase II, the chromosomes get into position at the metaphase plate. Since crossing over occurred in meiosis I, the two sister chromatids of the chromosomes are not genetically identical. Anaphase II, the centromere separates as well as the sister chromatids and they move to opposite ends of the pole. In telophase II, the final stage of the second phase of meiosis, the nuclei form and the chromosomes begin decondensing to form four haploid …show more content…

For the cell, the job of meiosis is the reduction of number of chromosomes of the gametes from diploid to haploid. The job of meiosis in the chromosome is to go through both of the phases and produce more new cells to have the four haploid daughter cells. Finally, the job of meiosis in the organism is to reproduce sexually by making sex cells in humans, animals, plants, and fungi. The differences between the phases of mitosis and meiosis are that in mitosis, it has 1 cell division, duplicates the DNA, occurs in somatic cells, and no crossing over happens. In meiosis, it has 2 cell divisions, reduces the DNA, occurs in gametes or sperm and egg cells, while crossing over happens. They are both similar in which they both create daughter cells, headed by at least one round of DNA replication, and have similar stages for cell division.
The differences between the two phases of meiosis are that in meiosis I, while the cell undergoes the phases, prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I, it causes the cell to divide into two with each of the cells having a double stranded chromosome. But in meiosis II, it is just the division of the the cells from meiosis I. The ending result being that four haploid daughter

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