Putting Things Back Where You Found Them Essay

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Life is full of complications and hardships. There are often obstacles that we go through as we mature as adults. Learning new things is just one of our many qualities. Some say that life isn’t all that difficult. There are people that live by the simplest things, like what they had learned from kindergarten. “Putting things back where you found them.” This statement can be referred to in different ways. One way is how people react to finding something that isn’t theirs. Obviously, the right thing to do is return whatever is found to it’s owner, but in some cases people don’t do the obvious. They either keep the item or do return it. As kids we learned what was right and wrong. Children are taught that once they are done playing with their toys, they should put it back where it was found. If they didn’t it would be considered stealing just like …show more content…

Therefore, there is less time to “play.” Especially when adults get absorbed in their work, they tend to forget have some fun once in awhile. Back when we were innocent children, we had plenty of time to spend. Though we shouldn’t always be goofing off, as some adults do nowadays. Having fun has its limits, both as kids and adults. Adults can’t just play around all day without working. They need to work to earn money and kids need to learn. This way everyone grows to become independent. Teachers and parents would tell their children this, so they wouldn’t get loss. This statement refers to the world today as well. The world has its own Yin and Yang. There will always be the bad and the good. And where countries fight, there are people who say we need to “stick together,” by accepting one another. No one has to lose anyone if everyone just stays together. People shouldn’t have to resort to such measures as to sacrifice the ones they love. There wouldn’t be a loss of many people if we all “Hold hands and stick

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