Public Service Announcement Analysis

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The Government of Ontario created a Public Service Announcement that shed light on sexual harassment and violence. 1 in every 6 American women are exposed to some type of sexual harassment/violence (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network). This particular PSA focused on men with negative motives creating these acts of violence and bystanders not taking any action to help the women who are subject to these acts of violence. The Government of Ontario’s commercial reached their audience through appalling scenes, striking facts about sexual violence, and an appeal to emotion and logic. The Government of Ontario published the #WhoWillYouHelp commercial, and it created a lasting impact on the people who viewed it. The shocking advertisement …show more content…

This PSA shows directly how women are affected by sexual violence in many differents areas of life. Numerous women were under the power of a man in this video and many witnesses were there to accompany the person. The Government of Ontario displayed through their Public Service Annoucement that when there is acts of sexual violence occur , there is someone able to help but they “kept their mouth shut” and “didn’t tell anyone”. There were many different contributing factors to the acts of sexual violence: these include age, race, workplace, social event, school etc. But all of these scenes in the PSA are alike because of the people who did not help her. The outcomes of each scenario were changed because someone decided to stand up against the violence. The PSA includes these outcomes because it shows what a difference people can make in the lives of the women who are affected by these actions. “Thanks for getting help,” “Thanks for telling the bartender,” “Thanks for stopping him,” are all direct words from the mouths of the women who were undergoing sexual harassment or violence. The commercial shows that those women wouldn’t have been helped if the sexual violence hadn’t been stood up to and stopped all

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