Public School Vs Private School Essay

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Switching from Private School to Public School

An ongoing debate has been brewing as to which type of education is best for students.
Leaving a private institution for a public school possesses many advantages and disadvantages dependent upon the needs of the individual.
One crucial advantage public schools have that private schools do not is a highly credentialed teaching staff. Statistics shhi nickow that 52% of educators at public schools hold a Masters Degree or higher, compared to 38% of private school teachers. Next, public schools are required by law to background check their teachers, while private schools are not. Finally, public schools offer teachers an average of $56,000, in contrast to a $38,000 salary at private schools. This insures that the most qualified teachers will gravitate towards public schools instead of private schools.
Next, a more diverse environment is found in public schools than in private schools. At public schools the ethnic makeup is as follows: 58% white, 20% hispanic, 16% black, 4% Asian, 1% Native American, 1% other. In private schools, 74% o...

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