Psychoactive Drugs

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Psychoactive drugs have been around long before most people imagine. Although the least harmful type of psychoactive drug is caffeine, this title includes such a vast amount of drugs, ranging from something so small like caffeine all the way to cocaine. Psychoactive drugs are chemicals that change conscious awareness, mood, or perception. Not everyone reacts the same way to drugs due to the fact that the chemicals alter each person differently in both psychological and physical senses. Psychoactive drugs alter your state of mind drastically due to the chemicals incorporated into such drugs.
In the world we live in today, a multitude of people use drugs for recreational use. Such petty, recreational use can lead to severe abuse and addiction problems due to the sensation they receive from the intake of drugs. Addiction, nowadays, has become a word used very loosely and applied to virtually any subject; nevertheless, abuse, which is compulsive drug taking that causes emotional or physical harm to oneself, can lead to addiction and can be extremely harmful. The feeling that you receive from the use of drugs depends on what type you are taking. The four main drug categories are: depressants (downers), stimulants (uppers), opiates, and hallucinogens. Depressants act on the central nervous system to slow bodily processes and overall responsiveness. Some popular depressants include alcohol, Xanax, and roofies. There is a strong possibility of abusing downers because one quickly acquires tolerance and dependence. One may be shocked when reading that alcohol is a depressant; however, that is because when only consumed in small amounts, it has stimulating effects.
Very popular among hardworking adults, as well as college campuses, are sti...

... middle of paper ... The use of drugs has become so popular at these events that a great deal of people from the ages of 18-21 have died from overdosing. Back in the day, drugs were a lot more natural whereas, our generation mixes together several types of drugs and even uses synthetic versions. The overuse and simple use of such intense drugs starting from a young age leaves a person extremely vulnerable to abuse.
Psychoactive drugs have become exceedingly popular in the United States in recent years. Such drugs alter your state of mind due to the chemicals in them interacting with the neurons in your brain. Due to the sensations that psychoactive drugs cause one to have, users tend to use them more frequently. Many of the repercussions of the use and abuse of drugs are negative and can even lead to death; however, they are still utilized and favored by a large majority of people.

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