Proton Pump Inhibitor Case Summary

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Histamine 2 Receptor Antagonist versus Proton Pump Inhibitors for the Prophylaxis of Stress Related Ulcers in the ICU Request: Which acid suppressant is better for prophylaxis of stress related ulcers in an intensive care setting, proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) or histamine 2 receptor agonists (H2 Blockers)? Response: Background: Stress ulcers were first identified in 1970 by Skillman and Silen and reported as a clinical syndrome of lethal “stress ulceration” in a 7 out of 150 patients in intensive care (ICU). These reports showed superficial ulcers in the gastric fundus area of the stomach.1 Forty years later, Stress ulcers are still defined by distinct bleeding and interrupted circulation of blood to the fundus region. Skillman and …show more content…

Patients were included in the trial if they met the following criteria: Patients that were in the ICU receiving proton pump inhibitors, either enteral or parenteral, regardless of frequency, dose or duration. The control group is H2 blockers by enteral or parental routes, regardless of frequency, dose or duration. Patients had to be considered critically ill and have at least one risk factor for stress ulcers. Exclusion criteria were based on evaluation of the randomized trials done many years ago. Trials that were eliminated were based on duplication, trials that were not relevant to research, trial involving pediatric population, quasi-randomized trials, abstract trials, and observational …show more content…

Cochrane and CINHAL were also used in their search. Three trial registry web sites (, ISRCTN registry, and WHO) were also used. The searches were screened by two reviewers. Methodology was maintained by using Cochran’s risk of bias tool. Each trial used was rated as either, low risk, unclear or high risk for bias based on sequence generation, blinding, concealment sequence, selective reporting of outcomes, and data completeness. Relative risk (pooled) for all outcomes was calculated using a 95% confidence interval. I2 was used to measure heterogeneity. Event rates of 2% and 5% were used to identify the need for prophylaxis for bleeding and also overt bleeding with H2 blockers,

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