Protestant Vs Catholic Religion Essay

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The Catholic church has 1.2 billion followers and Protestant churches roughly round up to 800 million followers (How Many Roman Catholics Are There in the World?). These two religions make up two world reknown religions that are practiced in today’s society and they have been around for centuries. Catholics and Protestants have similar beliefs, all of which derived from the same religion, Catholicism. Around the Renaissance era, the Protestant church broke away from the Catholic church, and they keep dividing today. There are many construed theories about the divisions of Protestant and Catholic churches, but they aren't as divided as some might think. In 1 B.C Jesus Christ was born. Nobody knew it yet, but this baby boy’s birth would be the beginning of a new era in time. The Catholic church was founded on the teachings of the Old Testament with the creation story, Moses, and Abraham, and the New Testament with the birth Jesus Christ, his disciples, and his teachings. Throughout Jesus’s life time, he spread the word of God wherever he could. Thousands of people would come and listen to his teachings. Jesus left an overwhelming impact on society in his lifetime, so much so, he was targeted for treason and blasphemy, and was sentenced to …show more content…

Catholics and Protestants still believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that we will have eternal life with him after we die. There are a few contrasts in the path that they believe they need to take to reach salvation. But in reality, the beliefs between these religions aren’t that different. Catholics and Protestants had a falling out and people divided up, but that doesn’t mean they are two completely different religions. The path to eternal life might have a few different curves and turns, but the destination is going to be the

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