Protein Loaf

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Replenish your energy and kick-start muscle growth and repair with a chocolate protein cake that actually meets your macros! Dark chocolate and berry protein loaf is a sports-nutrition masterpiece.

So easy to make, perfect for after the gym, and inspired by Paleo-dietary principles: It's light, moist, and the dark chocolate and strawberries perfectly compliment the soft, sponge-like loaf base.

With all of my recipes, it's loaded with healthy, functional ingredients from the flavonoids content of the dark chocolate to the phytonutrient content of the berries. High-protein dessert is also very nutrient-dense and relatively low-carbohydrate.


This loaf's nutrient profile has been tailored for someone who's following strict …show more content…

Oats and whey have been a bodybuilding staple forever, but often times are bland and burnt out. By adding some fruit, natural sweetener and almonds, you gain a whole new appreciation for oatmeal. The balance of carbs and protein make it great for those looking to build mass and those watching the leanness scale. Calories: 422, Protein: 31 g , Fat: 12.5 g , Carbs: 48 g

Scramble four whole eggs with two added egg whites. Add one cup of chopped mixed veggies. Spinach, onions, mushrooms and red bell peppers are good additions. For more protein, add ¼ cup of diced lean ham or bacon. If you need (or want) more carbs, add a piece of fresh fruit on the side.

Plain egg whites just get too boring, forcing you to ditch your high-protein meal for a crispy creme when you are burned out on traditional bodybuilding foods. Keep the yolks for the extra omega-3 fats, vitamins, and minerals. Make them taste good with some bacon (turkey bacon is a great, lower-fat option) and increase nutrient density and texture with the veggies. Nothing says post-workout breakfast like eggs. This post-workout is perfect for those on low calories and carbs, but need the protein to retain muscle and fat to decrease hunger. Calories: 520, | Protein: 37 g , Fat: 23 g , Carbs: 29 …show more content…

Cook up eight ounces of lean grass-fed beef with salt and pepper to taste. Cook one whole butternut squash for 30-45 minutes until soft. Mix them together in the pan when done and add four ounces of your favorite marinara sauce.

If you are training hard and with more volume than usual, chances are your appetite is up as well. The creatine replenishes your explosive energy stores and extra fat from the beef helps keep you satisfied and full of calories. The starchiness of the squash digests slowly and helps keep hunger at bay.

Eating quality food post-workout is crucial…you know, if you expect to make gains and stuff. The science on recovery is a little War-and-Peace-y in its complexity but you can boil it down to a few nutritional musts: in order to optimize your results, you need to replace the amino acids and glycogen lost during your workout.

Starting the muscle building process by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention requires a quick dose of the right protein and carbohydrates. But we can’t (and shouldn’t) always rely on plain protein shakes, chicken and rice. It’s boring and an absolute affront to your flavor-deprived palate. Besides, your body prefers a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods. Try these six post-workout muscle-building meals that taste great and get

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