Pros And Cons Of Universal Health Care

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The United States spends more on healthcare than any other nation. Health care is a multi-trillion dollar industry in America, which includes insures, providers, and government regulators that dictate the pricing and process involved in the system. The health care crisis is based on a two dimensional challenge; escalating the costs of health care and the quality of health care. Though the U.S has yet to adopt a universal program, it has a health care system based on insurance coverage programs, such as Medicaid, Medicare, etc. A health care policy that ensures access for all Americans should be a major priority in the U.S. Universal health care is a system in which every citizen will receive health services. If America were to adapt to this plan, all Americans will be covered by public health insurance despite their age, income, and employment status. According to data from “National Coalition,” more than 45 million Americans are uninsured. The objective of this plan is to provide health care to citizens without having to worry about financial hardships. A universal health care system goes to improve the general health of Americans, while also reducing health care spending. If America were to do what every other country …show more content…

The universal health care approach would involve a complete reconstruction of the entire health care program that is in place now, especially since the costs of health services, tax rates, and the payment of health. In an effort to cut costs, there is less incentive to pursue medical-related research, development, and investment, nor pursue medical careers. If America were to take on a universal system, we would need to evaluate the current systems of other countries in order to consider which type of system would work most efficiently for us all. There may need to be cuts made in other areas of the government that weaken those areas to compensate for the needs of the

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