Pros And Cons Of Refugees Coming Into America

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Refugees flooding into America have always been a debatable problem. It all boils down to what the best solution is for the country. Many believe the United States of America is best known for its freedom. And also know that the root of the country is founded on immigrants. So why not have open arms and help those refugees in seek of freedom? Many refer to letting all the refugees into the U.S as a help. This moral obligation is putting everyone at risk. We never know who we are letting into the country. “”Right now, the FBI has over 1,000 [terrorism] investigations going on … and these are people that we let in," Trump said from the White House.” FOX Keeping refugees out of the USA is the best way to ensure safety until final solutions are made. But until then, “"We don’t need this. Some people have come in with evil intentions. Most haven’t, I guess, but we can’t take chances." FOX …show more content…

“American taxpayers will spend more than $4.1 billion in the 2017 budget to support the 519,018 refugees who have been resettled by the federal government in the United States.” Breitbart Home is defined as a place where one lives permanently. Instead of putting Americans at risk, why not send the same enthusiasm over to their homeland. Many refugees would not have to start over a whole new life for what many Americans work their whole lives for. For example, a steady job and a nice home. The United states can send troops with the resources needed to build the refugees back up rather than putting American citizens at risk. This time at the comfort of the refugee’s home and not a foreign, unknown home. The debate is over, there is no questioning whether or not U.S. citizens should be at risk or not. Releasing the moral obligation and putting both feet into helping refugees in the comfort of their home can ensure American citizen’s

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