Euthanasia: An Ethical and Moral Perspective

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Euthanasia Should Euthanasia be practiced? Is it justifiably moral and ethically right? Euthanasia is described as the painless killing of a patient in anguish from a fatal and agonizing sickness or in an indefinite coma. There are two major forms of Euthanasia that are morally and robustly debated, Active Euthanasia and Passive Euthanasia. Active Euthanasia is described as a good death, whether committed by the person themselves or from the assistance of a physician. Passive euthanasia is defined as the destruction of life through the act of withholding life-sustaining treatment. Active and passive euthanasia should be legally and ethically practiced. It can be argued that active and passive euthanasia is justifiably moral and ethically ok,

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