Pros And Cons Of Libertarianism

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Our ever-changing world is full of vastly different people with different views and opinions. This creates a tendency to make life more interesting and makes for even more interesting political arguments. I have come to you today to elaborate and prove why libertarianism conquers all in political ideology. While each political party brings their own set of good and bad to the table, libertarianism is ideal for a more effective governing body. The liberal party is often too involved in the everyday lives of its citizens, while the conservative party tends to be prejudice to the ever-changing world, and often unwilling to adapt to more contemporary problems. Libertarianism is the perfect balance of Liberalism’s and Conservatism’s most beneficial …show more content…

The sharing of things or generous giving is the essence of a liberal viewpoint, and this is the reasoning of most liberal policies (Webster 1). Those who agree with liberal ideology typically, support a larger government, more government programs paid for by hard working middle class citizens, and the dismissing of government overreach in United States citizens’ everyday lives.
A very large problem for conservatives and libertarians alike, is the creation of the affordable healthcare act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Obamacare is essentially a way for those who do not have access to health insurance due to their income or through lack of work to have some type of feasible medical coverage. This is made capable by raising the working and rich folks’ insurance premiums to cover what others can not afford. It is not anybody’s business nor obligation to take care of those who can not provide for themselves or their families. Yes that sounds cruel, but you can not effectively run a country by following what your heart tells you to do. This is unfair to the people who work hard to provide for themselves. It is also considered what is called government overreach. It is not any of the government’s business nor should it be their concern whether or not

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