Pros And Cons Of Drinking Soda

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“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”(Reagan) Soda is unhealthy and causing diabetes and obesity but, citizens to remain informed not controlled. Citizens have rights to drink whatever they want, and they aren’t going to be willing to give up those rights because someone told them to. Senators and congressman everywhere have made it known that they do not approve of these types of bans. There are many people in this world that are less willing to change their minds when they are told to. This ban is asking for too much control over citizens and does not include all unhealthy obesity causing drinks. The soda ban is not going to be effective on the citizens of New York because they need to be informed not controlled. New Yorkers aren’t going to stop drinking soda because the government tells them to. 45% of adults drink one or more sugary drinks a day in New York. According to Nadia’s paper, sugared sodas are the second leading cause of death in New York, right after cigarettes. According to CNN 180,000 people have died worldwide each year from sugary drink intake; this is one in every hundred deaths worldwide. Also according to this source, the United …show more content…

It will violate the rights of the citizens and will not make them stop drinking the sodas. It may force them to think about what they are eating but there are other ways of doing that. People who want to drink sugared drinks will do so, finding a solution to this problem needs to be gone about a different way. Citizens need to remain informed and if the mayor introduces more public health awareness initiatives that is much more likely to change people’s habits than forcing it to happen and deciding what businesses can and cannot sell. This ban doesn’t include all bad things or all businesses; therefore it is not going to be

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