Pros And Cons Of DUI Offense

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A DUI offense is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. In the state of California if you have a blood alcohol level of .08% or higher it is illegal to be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. If you are pulled over you can be convicted of driving under the influence. California’s DUI law also includes driving under the influence of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, over the counter medication and drugs with alcohol in them such as cough syrup. Penalties for a DUI include license suspension, fines, jail time, community service, AA meetings DUI School, an ignition interlock device and an SR-22 filing. If you are under 21 years of age, California has a zero tolerance law meaning any amount of alcohol found in your system will be considered driving under the influence. You face having your license suspended for one year, additional fines, and must complete the educational portion of DUI School. If you are 21 or older on your first DUI offense you face immediate license suspension depending on if you take the chemical test, up to six months in jail, more than a $1,000 in fin...

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