Long Term Effects Of Drinking And Driving Essay

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Effects of Drinking and Driving Effects of Drinking and Driving I’ve never seen drinking and driving on a daily planner or heard anyone say I think I’ll get a DUI today. I have heard people say “it’s my life, and if I want to drink and drive I will”. Well, it’s not just your life that is affected by the results of drinking and driving. When you make that choice to drink and drive you are taking the lives of family, friends, and strangers into your hands. You don’t have to get into an accident and kill somebody for the results to destroy you or someone else’s life. Drinking and driving can be the cause of many traumatic life changing events. Long Term Consequences Many people only think of the short-term consequences of drinking and driving. Such as getting a DUI, losing their license or having their car impounded. It’s not until after posting bail and finding a ride home that the reality of it all starts to sink in. Losing your license alone can make drastic changes in your life, which as a result will affect your family’s lives. How will you get to work? Drive anyway and get a charge for driving on a suspended license? Will you be able to keep your job or find another with a criminal record? How are you going to replace the bill money you …show more content…

According to MADD, in 2012 30% of traffic deaths were a result of drunken driving fatalities. There were over 1200 accidents caused by drunk driving, with over 700 injuries. It’s not always the person drinking that is affected by these accidents. Innocent people are seriously injured and even killed every day as a result of other people drinking and driving. Why should they or their families pay for this bad judgment? The worst part is these accidents are preventable. If you are going to drink be responsible enough not to drive. It’s not just your life that could be

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