Prophet Muhammad Research Paper

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He has been called a prophet, a messenger of God, and a savior. Muhammad ibn Abdullah was the founder of a religion which spread rapidly not only throughout the middle east but the world as well. Unlike other prophets from other religions however, there are large amounts of documentation and recorders about who this messenger of God was as not exclusively as a spiritual leader but a historical figure. There are documentations which create images of almost every aspect of Muhammad’s life. These records give scholars insight into Muhammad’s state of mind but furthermore the abundance of records make the prophet much more relatable for the Muslims of today. The recorded events in Muhammad’s life portray his character and gives current Muslims …show more content…

It was this divine experience that altered the prophet’s life. However, Muhammad was reluctant to spread the word Allah, and it was only after the persuasion by his loving wife that he began listening to and embracing the divine intervention that was shaping his life Much of Muhammad’s teaching have a striking resemblance to the old tribal identity that had previously dominated the middle east. However, these teachings about supporting the poor and moving away from the social economic paradigm of Mecca. This created a strong abrasion between Muhammad and his followers and the merchants of Mecca. The longer Muhammad preached his messaged the stronger the oppression he faced grew. The only thing that kept Muhammad safe was his uncle and the tribe he belonged to. However, soon things would change which would make Muhammad more exposed to those opposing his message. With the death of his uncle and his wife in the year 619 A.D. Muhammad faced more opposition than ever going as far as receiving death threats and eventually he was forced to leave Mecca because of an attempt on his life. Just because the prophet was forced to leave Mecca however, does not mean that he ceased preaching the word of Allah. After being exiled from his home town of Mecca, Muhammad moved to establishment of

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