Procrastination: A Personal Narrative Analysis

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Alright, finals week is literally right around the corner and if you're anything like me, most of your finals consist of writing an essay. If your professors were kind, they already gave you that prompt. But if they're secretly Satan, you are sitting here in an attempt to keep yourself from having a meltdown. I understand your pain and so, here are a few ways to mentally prepare yourself to conquer these final essays. One of the main issues with the writing process is procrastination, AKA the mindset of "Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow." A way to conquer your issues with procrastination is to set yourself daily goals and reward yourself when those goals are met. If your procrastination is happening because of feeling overwhelmed by how many finals you have, you need to focus on which final is due before the other one. Prioritize your finals and once you complete the one, reward yourself and move on to the next final. I know it's a lot of work but it will be worth it in the end. I know C's get degrees but don't you just love that feeling you get when you see an A or a B I know I do Once you get past your problem of …show more content…

Many of you hate outlining but this strategy is pretty helpful once you figure it out. Like mapping, outlining can help you figure out where you want to go and how you want to get there. It also helps you figure out where you need more information or if you need to reorganize your paragraphs. If you still hate outlining you could try reverse outlining. Reverse outlining is exactly what it sounds like: write your essay first and then outline the paper to see if you need to move paragraphs around or if you need more information in a particular area. Once you get past the hard part of starting, take all of these ideas and create your first draft. For me, it's best to write your first rough draft in one sitting just so you can get all of your thoughts down. It's okay that by doing so you'll probably look at it in the end and think its

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