Problem-Focused Strategies In Coping With Chronic Stress

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Stress is a reaction or a response to stimulus to any kind of demand or threat. In stressful events the body's defenses kick into high gear in an automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction, causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to spread though bloodstream in to body causing several physical symptoms.
Acute stress can be very helpful because it can help one rise to meet life challenges or even save his/her life by giving the person an extra strength to defend self against a presented danger, an example, is when one slams on the brakes to avoid an accident. Stress stop being helpful and become s problem when it is chronic. Chronic stress can be a major health problem causing many physical symptoms and chronic health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or peptic ulcers or many other health issues. Chronic stress can also lead to many other issues that can limit the person quality of life. …show more content…

People deal with stress in many ways some ways are harmful to health and body and others have proven effectiveness in helping to dealing with stress. I will explain three effective ways in doing so. First, problem-focused strategies refers to directly dealing with sources of stress in order to effectively reduce it or reduce negative effects of stressors such as time or financial managements. Second, emotion-focused strategies refers to reducing negative emotions associated with stressful event such as changing feelings about a competitive event for athletes to an opportunity for challenge and improving. Third, social support strategies these strategies refer to verity of option one can turn to reduce stress whether is it seeking an advice from a friend or consulting with an

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