Pro Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Did you know medicine you take is tested on animals before they are used on you? Well if you didn’t then animals from all over the world has suffered and died because of medical testing. These animals are suffering pain the medical testers has been testing medicines on the animals to make sure they are safe for humans they have been using toxics on animals to see if there is any more ways of making it safe. Thousands of animals population are being decreased due to animal testing. People from all over the world is not realizing that what they use that is medicine or cosmetics are safe for them because of animals everyone is safe because of animals it has been finding cures for types of illness because of animals because they have been suffering the pain for you. Animal testing should be illegal animals lives are suffering with pain and are dying the population is decreasing. …show more content…

The scientist is also saying that chimpanzees share 99% of their dna with humans, which they consider to test the medications with monkeys or chimpanzees because they have been saying that testing on the animals have been more successful since we share dna with the monkeys and chimpanzees . Some of the animals are suffering pain during experiments, they are not given anesthesia for pain relief. According to that China requires that all cosmetics be tested on animals before they go on sale, so cosmetics companies must have their products tested on animals if they want distribution in China. The company should know what the safety for human is so they don’t need to kill the

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