Principles Underlying Operating System, Components, And Operating Systems

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Principles Underlying Operating System: An Operating System (OS) is a manager which manages hardware and software components and makes them usable to the end user. There are many operating systems available to use such as Windows, Android, Linux and Apple OS. All operating systems(OS) are designed with some fundamental principles keeping in mind. Every operating system makes the hardware to be used and generating high performance. Security is one of the fundamental principles which has to be taken care by the developers while designing a operating system as the data is very important. Multiple firewalls have to be designed such that any threats could not access the data in any system without authorization. While designing an operating system the design has to be simple, usable and elegant such that the end user can understand and make optimal use of the OS. The OS has to be simple and direct to operate. The OS has to be reliable; a frequent crash of the OS generally indicates the bad design of the OS. The OS has to be consistent and robust. …show more content…

There are many clients which are connected to a server. The main server is connected to the internet, whereas all the clients can connect to the server because the server permits and shares connection from all of the authorized clients. Two other methods of inter process communications are pipes and message queuing. A pipe is used to transfer information between two programs. Message queuing is also used for the transfer of information, but the information is transferred using a system managed queue. The advantage of a message queue is that it can be created for one process and can be used by multiple

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