Prey Chase Drive Research

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According to Temple Grandin, fear and prey chase drive are two emotions that all animals have. I agree with Temple Grandin that animals have the emotions of fear and prey chase drive. I personally believe cats exhibit these emotions. My definition of fear would be if a cat ran or hide from another animal, human or object. If the cat hisses or growls it would also indicate fear. My definition of prey chase drive is if a cat sneaks up on another animal or object. If the cat is low to the ground, keeps quite and follows the prey then chases the prey when it gets close enough would be considered prey chase drive. By using readings such as Animals In Translation by Temple Grandin and my own observations I had evidence to support my theory that …show more content…

She quietly laid and watched the funny for about 15 seconds before starting to slowly walk towards the bunny. She was low to the ground moving slowly towards the bunny. When she knew the bunny sensed her presence she chased the bunny around the yard. She was unable to catch the bunny after it slipped through a hole in the fence. She demonstrated my definition of prey chase drive. Another observation I made was we had a family of Quails living in our backyard. The family was sitting on the fence as my cat watched them from the window. I let my cat outside and observed her behavior. She just laid in the grass watch the birds until finally one flew to the ground. It was a younger quail. After waiting patiently in the grass my cat began to chase the bird to try and catch it off guard. Even though the cat did not exhibit all the traits that were in the definition, she still used some aspects in her body language to show the emotion prey chase drive. Grandin states, “The emotion of chasing down prey and the behavior of killing the prey are controlled by different circuits in the brain” (Grandin, p.136). Both of my observations along with Grandin supporting the idea of prey chase drive is an emotion support my …show more content…

My cat might have had past experiences, which is why she only reacted to men. Even if she had a bad experience she still is exhibiting the emotion fear for a reason. If I were to continue gathering observations I would try to have more data that reflected the same findings. Also I would observe other cats in the same situation and other breeds of cats. I disagree with scientists who believe animals have no emotions. Based off my observations and readings cats do have

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