“Miller and Malinowski” states that a Power Dispatcher major accountability is to operate the power system in an effective manner (151). “O*net Online” claims that a job as a Power Dispatcher involves the monitoring and operating of field and station equipment on a distribution and transmission level of the power grid. Therefore, the profile of a Power Dispatcher is mainly technical and psychological. According to “the Encyclopedia Careers and Guidance,” practical experience in a field position and a College degree are essential to qualify as a Load Dispatcher (791). Although I have over ten years of experience as a field mechanic, I am currently pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Transmission Power Technology at Bismarck State College. Farr and Shatkin admit that one’s personality dictates their success of a career (17). “O*net Online confirms that the personality profile of a Power Dispatcher include des, Realistic, Investigative Conventional and Enterprising types. My personalities include, having a natural ability to solve problem and an advocate for following directions and orders, these qualities matches the personality traits of a Power Dispatcher. In addition to the technical and psychological aspect of this job, there are advantages and disadvantage involve in this career path. Despite the disadvantages, the career of a Power Dispatcher suits my personality, lifestyle and career goals. According to “the Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance,” to ensure reliability of service to customers a Power Dispatcher must perform shift work. However, shift work is one of the most negative aspects of a Power Dispatcher’s career. Medical scholar Fritz points out that the work performed during the night shift was blamed for two major nuclear incidents, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident that occurred in March of 1979 in the state of Pennsylvania and Chernobyl (Russia) accident which occurred in 1986 (59). Therefore one of the personal responsibilities of a Power Dispatcher is to balance work schedule with off duty priorities to avoid sleep deprivation. However, for a Power Dispatcher with a family, juggling the work schedule and private life is a difficult task. Fritz confirms that shift workers are more likely than traditional workers to have family issues (72). Therefore, being a bachelor, I am better prepared for shift work. For example, I am not affected by the noise of children or nagging of the better half. Another disadvantage of being a Power Dispatcher is this career is highly scrutinized due to the working environment; operators subjected to background checks at least every seven years and the accuracy of all communication.
The Cons of being an electrical lineman is that you have to work in any weather conditions that mother nature throws at you. Also climbing to incredible heights, if you are afraid of heights this could be bad for you if you want to become an electrical lineman. Also dealing with high voltage could easily kill you if you touch it and are not wearing the proper clothing. Personally i do not plan on having this as career in the future, it’s not really my style of working. Heights is not a problem for me but i would rather work from the ground than being on a sketchy pole 50ft in the
the dangerous jobs. Some workers want more power so they can fix all the hazards and
Moreover, my personal characteristics such as good analytical skills, being able to adapt to various changing situations, and being sociable, directed me to Industrial Distribution. Being adaptable is very important in this field, becau...
Previous generations have a strong belief of keeping work and home life separate; that work is for work and home is for play (Rampell, 2011, para 21). Today’s professionals do not seem to abide by similar beliefs, constantly crossing the borders of one into the other. While many recognize this as an issue that could result in employees being less productive, it has actually resulted in them accepting that their work may run late into the evening or even into the weekend. I agree with this completely in that I grew up being taught that business is business and personal is personal; you leave your home life at the door. But now times have changed, and my weekends are no longer dedicated to my home life, but for work, because I attend classes during the week. Also, in my line of work in the Allied Health industry, it is a requirement to work off hours. Long gone are the days of working nine to five, Monday through Friday; technology and the demand of wanting affairs done and done as soon as possible, has made it so the “work week” is now 24-7. “Jon Della Volpe, the director of polling at Harvard Institute of Politics, said, ‘Some experts also believe that today’s young people are better at quickly switching from one task to another, given their exposure to so many stimuli during their childhood and adolescence’” (Rampbell,
911 operators are the beginning to every emergency others are faced with and also hold a huge role in getting these situations resolved, but there are many misconceptions and stereotypes that argue the difficulty in their field of work. Stereotypes have been around since the 19th century and were brought about to characterize a certain group of people in which the way they behave, intending for it to represent the group as a whole. A misconception derives from stereotypes but, more often than not the misconceptions show not to be true for those certain groups of people. Stereotypes and misconceptions are brought upon naturally, and one will even stereotype others without realizing it. Being a 911 operator is a job where you sit at a desk
...shift is the last shift of the day. It’s from 10 to 6 am or 11 to 7 am. Night crew turns and positions the patients or residents every hour or two depends on the care plan. They make four rounds at night usually one at the beginning of the shift, at twelve, two, and at five before the shift ends. Night shift cleans and sanitizes the wheelchairs, handlebars, doors, and day to day equipment used. All the shifts have the same purpose to keep the helpless safety and as clean as possible.
Witkoski Stimpfel, Amy , Douglas M. Sloane, and Linda H. Aiken. "The Loger the shifts for hosital nurses, the higher the levels of burnout and patient disstisfaction." Health Affairs 31.11 (2012): 2501-2509. Proquest. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
In the time of the Industrial Revolution factory owners were brutal and unfair to their employees. A young worker named William Cooper, was asked by a Sadler Committee, “ What were your usual hours of working? What time did you have for meals? What means were taken to keep you awake and attentive?” and he answered,
The importance of an electrical lineman is huge, not only in the community but also in most of the world. Their education, training, and correct use of equipment help them in their different and dangerous work conditions to accomplish the tasks of providing power to their communities.
Due to advance technology, nurses will be expected to know how to run the lifts, computers, and iPads. Nurse’s duties can shift depending on where one lives and the job opportunities (“Degree Programs for Registered Nurses”). Nurses are not only in charge of taking care of their patients, but are also in charge of the nurses assistants to observe if the job is done as expected. Most of today’s nurses live off of working in hospitals and nursing homes (Cardillo). Some other jobs that are
The major concern for registered nurses regard’s the nurse’s health and well being. Safe staffing levels are continuing to become more of a problem. The U.S is expected to experience a shortage of nurses as the “Baby Boomers” age and the need for health care grows (Rossester, 2014). This shortage is causing some health organizations to work with minimal amounts of nurses. This is affecting the nurse’s ability to provide safe care due to fatigue and injury. This shortage is also resulting in a dramatic increase in the amount of mandatory overtime, which often means that nurses stray from face-to-face patient care and can produce an increase in the amount of medical errors (American Nurses Association,
One of the major critical issues in nursing is mandatory overtime and nurses are being required to work long hours, doubles or extended shifts. Working mandatory overtime causes short staffing and leads to medical mistakes. In this paper we are going to talk about how this is an issue of concern for the nursing practice and health care delivery.
2. What personality characteristics are likely required for this career? How does you own personality match/not match?
Mini adverse events and the increased occurrences of errors resulted from longer durations and a decrease in nursing vigilance. Nursing vigilance described as XXXXXXX The risk for error doubled after working 12.5 or more consecutive hours. Martin, D. (2015). Nurse Fatigue and Shift Length: A Pilot Study. Nurs Econ., 33(2):81-87 reported nurses struggling to stay awake. This took place during 1203 shifts and additional 178 shifts where nurses did actually fall asleep. Staying awake for 19 consecutive hours is comparable to the cognitive function and reaction time of a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%. Staying awake for 24 hours exceeds the legal standard for operating a motor in vehicle in many
The nursing profession is constantly in a state of change becoming more complex over time. Registered nurses work to prevent disease, promote health and help patients cope. They develop and manage nursing care plans, instruct proper outpatient care, and help improve and maintain health within their community. They are educators of health governed by state laws. Registered nurses can work in many different settings which determine their daily job duties. Depending on their level of training a RN could work with geriatrics, in intensive care units, as an educator, as clinical study observers, a midwife, oncology, or palliative care. Hospital nurses make up the majority of the RN group. They work as staff nurses who carryout medical regimens and provide bedside care. Most registered nurses work in well-lighted comfortable facilities, work nights, weekends, and holidays, and spend a considerable amount of time on their feet. They have to be available at a moment’s notice. Nursing also has its hazards all employees of care facilities are at risk for infectious disease, radiation poisoning, back injuries, shocks from electrical equipment, and hazards posed by compressed gas. Nurses are the link between doctors and patients.