Portia De Rossi - Her Struggles with Anorexia

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At the age of 25, Portia De Rossi met the criteria for the eating feeding disorder of anorexia nervosa binging/purging type. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition people must meet all three criteria in order to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa binging/purging type. These are a.) restrictive food intake and weighing below normal body weight b.) have an intense fear of gaining weight and c.) have distorted beliefs on body image. To meet the diagnostic for the binging/purging type the person with anorexia nervosa must also be having recurrent binging/purging episodes for at least 3 months. In the case of Portia De Rossi, she met such criteria at the age of 25. ...... Portia De Rossi born Amanda Lee Rogers is best known for her leading role in Arrested Development. Portia was born in Australia in January 1, 1973. She started her moedling career at the age of 11 competing in fashion shows and going to auditions. When she was 12 she was hired by a modeling agency and went through several screenings. At the age of 15 she leggaly changed her name from Amanda Lee Rogers to Portia de Rossi. In 1194 she moved to the United States and continued her career in modeling and acing. She grew up to be 5’7’’ in height and at the age of 25 she reached her lowest weight of 82. She is currenyl known for being married to comedian Ellen De Generes. Although Portia had adapted diets as part of her life from an early age During her twenties she started presenting symptoms that qualify her to be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa binge-eating/purging disoder. Portia had began her modeling career at the age of 12 which is also when she started resorting to diets to maintain her weight. However, durin... ... middle of paper ... ...d the gravity of her situation. Portia De Rossi met the three criteria for an anorexia nervosa disorder binge-eating type at the age of 25. Her restrictive food intake through her diets impeded her from having a healthy body weight. As a result she was 85% less than her normal body weight. She also had an immense fear of gaining weight and recurred to purging and excessive exercise. Portia viewed herself to be “fat” even though she was already underweight due to her distorted point of view on body image and weight; all that matter to her was to be thin. Despite having symptoms that could also diagnose her with bulimia nervosa, there was still no clear proof she fulfilled all the criteria for this disorder. However, what clearly differentiated her from being diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa was her low weight which was below 85% of normal weight.

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