The Influcen of the Fashion Industry on Teenagers' Standard of Beauty

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Nowadays, fashion industry is such a negative push on teenagers’ standard of beauty that it is now becoming an unsolved dilemma for our society.

Firstly, Sarah Murdoch, the representative of Bonds underwear, is of the opinion that fashion industry encourages “unhealthy body images” (Dunkerley, 2008) that is thought to be unrealistic and unhealthy for most women and girls. Besides, the fact that most designers prefer to choose thin models than bigger size ones (Bolger, 2007) shows us an astonishing phenomena that there are series of clothes from size 0 to size 4 seen not only in the fashion shows but also even on the sale markets because they think that there will be “stigma attached” when doing something for “plus-size people” (Stevens, 2010). Naomi Crafti representing Eating Disorders Victoria thinks that teenagers are becoming obsessed with “the very skinny models on the catwalk” in the fashion shows (Stevens, 2010) which gradually leads to “eating disorders, mental health” and “negative body image on young people” (Stevens, 2010). Fashion industry skinny trend seems to poison young women’s attitude towards their appearance.

In addition, the startling deaths of the “three very underweight models” (Rosemary 2007) has become the last straw that makes us impossible to accept the eating disorders anymore. These have added to the controversy over the use of extremely thin models in fashion industry because not only does it reduce the self-esteem of those who do not have ideal bodies but it also naturally forces them to become anorexic to look exactly like catwalk models which has been proved to cause “drastic weight loss and premature ageing” (Cooke 2000, pp. 3) severely. No matter how serious the impacts of eating disorders are, the fashion industry still continues giving out the products called “doll clothes” (The Sunday Telegraph, 2009) for young women. People in our society do not want to see teenagers with “jutting bones and no breasts of hips” (The Sunday Telegraph, 2009), we really want to see girls with their healthy body image.

Clearly, there is a necessity to curtail the cases of teenagers suffering from body image pressures immediately (Kennedy, 2010). If there are no pressures, there will be surely no obsession with their appearance and there will be certainly no more risks of young women’s health and rise in serious eating disorders.

Reference list:

1. ABC. (2008). Fur industry thriving despite campaigns. ABC, 4 March. Viewed 16 August 2010. < >

2. Bolger. (2007).

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