Pop Music Argumentative Essay

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Arguably since the beginning of mankind, music has always been seen as a powerful art form that is constantly changing. As music eras come and go, they leave behind their legacies of meaning to current and future generations. For example, Blues represented overcoming hardships, Rock ’n’ Roll expressed the fight for change, and rap music inspired the freedom of individual expression. But after listening to today’s music, I feel we’ve entered a period of digression where music is losing its meaning and “being replaced” with craftless and meaningless songs. Today’s music is like corn syrup; overly sweet and just unhealthy. When I’m listening to the music of my peers I think to myself, “Why would any sane human being listen to someone regurgitating …show more content…

For many years, I never really listened that much to pop music, but rather more to underground rap and rock music. When I started working as a lifeguard and listening to my brother’s music, my views on pop music turned for the worse. When lifeguarding at a local country club outdoor pool, I often spent countless hours sitting in a chair, staring into the horizon and contemplating, “why can’t people have common sense in learning how to swim? Why can’t they just swim themselves to the side of the pool?” Unfortunately listening to music on devices was forbidden, which forced me out of desperation to listen to the surrounding background music. For hours, I would hear the same songs repeatedly, to the point where it felt like it was brainwashing me to not appreciate other types of music, but only the genre of pop. Eventually, I left my duties of being a lifeguard behind and with it, any tolerance for modern pop music. And when my brother got involved in electronic music, it felt like I was digging my own grave. Every day after entering my home, I was welcomed with music that I tried to run away from. After all the unpleasantness I faced in those tough times, I’ve come to the realization that allowing myself to be irritated by life’s annoyances, is senseless. “Everyday we have plenty of opportunities to get stressed, angry, or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. It’s best not to let the little things upset you.”( Joel

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