Police Stress

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Kinds of Stressor to Police Officers
Dr. Bryan Vila in his talk highlights a number of issues that pervasively form police stressors. The major police stressors can be broadly categorized into four kinds. These stressors have negative impacts to both an individual and the organization he/she works with. Dr. Bryan Vila identifies the following key factors;
Police operations have been for so long been restricted by budgets. The problem of understaffing is until know a problem among the police forces. The number of police officers does not match with the quantity of work they ought to do. The budgets have been made so restrictive that most police officers are not well taken care of in terms of their working conditions and even motivation …show more content…

Most of them are subjected to unhealthy conditions. This is in the name of securing the lives of citizens. The police expose themselves into critical conditions such as accidents when they are in their line of duty. This has also contributed to their stress.
Police fatigue Dr. Bryan Vila notes that the above three are very important. However, police fatigue is very crucial. It is the major cause of police stress. The poor working conditions can easily lead to fatigue. Police are also subjected to a lot of work. This may lead to fatigue and even accidents. Such case is explained by the increased accidents due to the ergonomics in the police cars.
Specific Type of Police Stressors
Too much work Dr. Bryan Vila cites work load as a cause of police stress. The police just like any other employee need reasonable amount of work for efficient performance. He goes further and adds that; the working duration of the police should also be checked. An overworked police officer is more likely to be stressed than that officer who has just done enough. An overworked police may even fall sick. The organization will suffer of police attrition which could be …show more content…

These conditions end up being a source of stress. Most of police suffer from this because their activities vary from time to time and place to place. Poor working conditions imply poor results for both a police and the organization.
Recommendations for Reducing Police Stress
Labor and conflict management
Dr. Bryan Vila agrees that conflict management at work provides a safe and conducive ground for efficiency. Grievances should be handled in time so as to gain police synergy. It is also important to train the police on how to avoid conflict at work place and embrace harmony.
Poor Sleep Poor sleep can be a silent cause of police stress. It is recommended that an organization screens its police for sleep disorders. This will enable them to take the necessary steps to combat disorders if any. Training the police on healthy sleeping is also important.
Shift Work Police shift may also lead to police stress. It is important that the police are trained on how to handle shifts. The schedules should also be made in a way that promotes police wellness. The shift lengths should also be

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