Police Discretion

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Question #1: “Please define police discretion and abuse of police power. Explain the difference(s).
- Police Discretion: Police discretion is a fairly broad term used for the measurement in which an officer interprets criminal intent from a person potentially running into troubles with the Law. Police discretion is what’s referred to when talking about the process of seeking the most effective level of justice necessary to calm a dispute/situation.
- The abuse of police power on the other hand differs. Abusing power within the force means that the officer is mistreating their level of authority by taking things out of proportion and using excessive force. The proper ways to resolve an incident or crisis are not properly taken into consideration. The use of the “one-up” method to control a potentially hazardous situation (when necessary) is skipped, and the officer abuses their power and authority over individuals. Whether verbally mistreating people, showing bias or discrimination, or use of physical force/extreme use of police gadgets and instruments. It is officials like these in which use an over exaggerated use of force when seeking control over a situation, and typically these types of officials in which give society …show more content…

Positive ways include that specific frames/pillars of equality tend to be better used in particular situations in comparison to each other. It truthfully depends on interpretation to an extent, such as which people lean towards favoring. There are many expectations to follow a specific set of duties as an officer, and it isn’t always black and white when it comes to the quick decisions in which they must make at different moments. The more effort in which an official puts towards police discretion and less into extreme use of force, the smoother that society runs, knowing that the officers are doing their job safely for both the offender and the

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