Police Brutality Research Paper

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The difficult relationship between the police and minorities in the United States is evident of the racial discrimination in the law enforcement and the criminal justice system. The nightly news on any television network, shows that the police are on an indiscriminate rampage to murder as many minorities as possible. Police brutality in America is a constant, everyday fact of life. An assertion appeared in police officer Don Jackson article, “The black American finds that the most prominent reminder of his second- class citizenship are the police.” For every 1000 people killed by the police, only one police officer is convicted for this crime. There is a pattern of injustice dealing with police brutality in the courts. Black Lives Matter movement was formed to protect unjust extrajudicial murders. We will explore the reasons, which are relevant not only to police brutality, but to the larger injustice pertaining to the citizens of the United States. Police forces around the world have often been criticized for racial profiling and for acting with unnecessary force.
In Jivani’s video he describes a time where he was racial profile by the police. The reason the police detained him because they …show more content…

Students were asked to select a master work of art, research it and re-contextualize it. The two paintings that inspired the student is Goya’s The Third of May 1808 and A Tale of Two Hoodies, created by Michael D’Antuono in 2014. The young student ‘s finish painting shows an image of a police officer wearing a KKK-styled hood and pointing a gun at the head of black child wearing a hoodie and holding a bag of candy. Upon closer inspection of the painting, the image suggests that the black teenager holding the candy is Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed in Florida in 2012. The Confederate flag can be seen in the background, bursting through the stars and stripes of the American

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