Poel In The Story Of The Little Jew Boy Shmuel

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In this essay I will be talking about the Little Jew boy Shmuel. In the beginning of the movie, Schmeul is sitting by the fence at Auschwitz, a concentration camp for the Jews. There, Schmeul meets a boy named Bruno. Bruno‘s dad is a commandant in the Nazi army. These two boys hit it off right away almost instantly and you could just tell they would be friends for the rest of the movie. Around the middle of the movie, Bruno sees Schmeul, a Jew, in his dining room at his home cleaning his dishes. Bruno offers Schmeul a pastry he isn’t supposed to have, and what happens after that to Schmeul is very gory. Shamil in Bruno just simply loved to have fun. Just sharing a little bit of food dish meal was the littlest Bruno good you as a new friend Bruno knew that she knew doesn’t have much is a Jew inmate in the camp one of the things they enjoy doing with each other was playing checkers she’ll would tell Bruno where he wanted the checkers chip replaced TV place in Vernon will put it there then Bruno images play that’s how they had fun they play checkers like friends. However when Bruno starts to see Samuel as a Jew, he knows that he likes him a lot but questions if he is allowed to like him as a friend being that he is a Jew. Supply and for this we start to see Bruno and she owes connection to bro but this could go for the worse or for the better. One

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