Picking College Major

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Picking a college major is probably the hardest aspect of college. It can be stressful trying to narrow down a list of over 200 majors to just a handful. Choosing a major will not only affect the rest of your college years, but your future career choice. You have to sit and decided for yourself, without the influence of others, what your interest are, what you're passionate about, and what you think your purpose in life is. The best question to ask yourself in this type of situation is, "where do I see myself in the next 10 years?" It may seem like the hardest decision you'll ever have to make, but not everyone declares a major in their first year of college. According to a study done by The University of La Verne, "roughly half of all college …show more content…

What types of subjects did you love to learn while you were in high school or what did you like to do in your free time outside of school.

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The thing about interests is that it's never just one, you can at least 20 different things that you're interested in. You have to weed out the ones that you like to do the most out of those 20. You have to learn who you are and what you love. You can go to career centers and get help or use past experiences from jobs and volunteering to narrow your choices. Finding your strengths and your talents will also help you make a decision.

If you follow your own dreams and passions then it will easier to decide on a major. Eliminating the outside pressure from family and friends, you'll be more at ease when choosing an education paths. If you remain uninfluenced by other people, your classes and eventually your career will be more enjoyable, you'll want to learn more, and continue to grow. Never base your choice of a major solely on the average amount of money they make. That will lead to a very unhappy life because that career choice isn't what you wanted to do in the first place. If you choose a major and it has a career that makes a lot of money, then that should be an extra incentive that'll motivate you to graduate from

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