Physical Therapist Professionalism

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When I think of professionalism, I believe the criteria is substantially the same in any context. Being professional requires core values that without, the full professionalism will not be obtained. For professionalism in the context of being a student in a doctor of physical therapist degree program I believe there are 4 core values that should be met to produce the highest quality student. I believe those core values include: communication, accountability, ethics, and maturity. With being a successful student in a doctor of physical therapist program, having good communication skills is vital. Communication should be used in a variety of ways. Talking face-to-face efficiently with professors, students, mentors, and anyone who comes into contact …show more content…

It is understood that physical therapy programs move fast with a tremendous amount of material to understand. It is therefore the student’s responsibility to remain and even be ahead of the material being covered for the sake of other students and the profession itself. Developing a systematic approach to accomplish tasks on a daily basis while sustaining a good quality of life is a ginormous part of being a successful student. The doctor of physical therapist programs are unique programs where understanding and keeping up with material are important for the student, but may actually be more important for future clients. The student is responsible for everything they learn which will be portrayed on the client they work with. This program is also very unique because information in this field is constantly changing and studies are continuously being done, so keeping up to date is equally as important as learning the information given out during class. This too is the student’s responsibility. That is why in the context of professionalism, being accountable in the doctor of physical therapist program is very …show more content…

I believe that having moral principles that are the foundation of a person’s way of living is extremely important. Being able to stand up against something that would make a person feel morally wrong and also being able to hold the ground for what one believes in while maintaining respect for others will help guide a student in a doctor of physical therapist program to success. Situations will arise that can put a person in a tough situation to whether the way of doing something can be made easier by choosing the wrong path. When those situations occur, it is important for a person to be able to stop and think clearly to make the right choice. I believe the ability to ask questions about something not seeming correct is more important than staying quiet and just “going with the

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