Physical Assessment Case Study

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ealth History Assessment and Physical Assessment
Subjective data
Demographic data:
African American man named K.O. came to the clinic for a head to toe assessment. Patient has no present illness and has seasonal allergies to grass pollen and lactose intolerance. Patient states that they had all childhood immunization. Patient stated in 1999 he had surgery n his right ankle at NYU hospital. Patient states that their health is okay and denies fever, weakness, weight loss and weight gain. Patient current medication regimen is an occasional over the counter ibuprofen (Advil) for headache. Reports smoking marijuana at least 2-5 times weekly. Reports that he has been smoking for more than 16 years and currently smoke one and a half a pack of cigarette a day. Family medical history of hypertension, drug and alcohol dependency on mother's side and father died of end stage renal failure (ESRF). Review of systems patient states he has occasional migraines.
According to Erikson's developmental theory, KO is in the Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young …show more content…

Trachea is midline. Thyroid nonpalpable, not tender. Carotid arteries 2+ and = bilaterally; no bruits.Respiratory Rate is 18, even, unlabored respirations.Breath sounds clear in all areas.S1, S2 auscultated over aortic, pulmonic, erb’s point, tricuspid and mitral areas. Pulse rate 80. Radial 2+. Brisk Cap refill.KO is alert and oriented x3(person,place, time).Responds appropriately to verbal stimuli; no slurring of speech. Grips, flexion, extension strong bilaterally.Abdomen firm and round. Skin smooth with no lesions. Bowel sounds x 4. General abdominal tenderness reported. Reported last BM was formed this morning.Full ROM, no pain in neck, arms and legs. Able to maintain flexion against resistance and without tenderness. No redness, cyanosis,edema or varicosities in the upper and lower extremities. No calf tenderness. All peripheral pulses present, 2+ and =

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