Phut Research Paper

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“PHUT IN BIBLICAL HISTORY” (Sub-Saharan Africa) Phut was the third son of Ham, the brother of Ethiopia-Cush, Mizraim-Egypt and Canaanite-Israel (Genesis 10:6; 1 chronicles 1:8). Phut was known to be the ancestor of Libya and the black people of Sub-Saharan Africa . According to Josephus, Phut was the founder of ancient Libya, and his people were known as Phutes. Different bible translations such as NIV, ASV, CEB etc has translated and used the word Phut for Libya. The black descendants of Phut was anciently associated with their Ethiopia-Cush and Mizraim-Egypt relatives (Ezekiel 38:5; Nahum 3:9). Around 3200 B.C when Egypt was divided into two parts, the South was upper-Egypt which was predominated by the Ethiopian-Nubians, and the North part of Egypt was the lower Egypt, …show more content…

The bible did not give us the full details on the sons of Phut and how they immigrated to the rest part of Africa. However, we were referred two times by the scripture to the book of Jasher to obtain some important informations about some historical events and facts that took place in history. From the mouth of two or three witness the truth is established (Matthew 18:16; John 8:17; 2 Corinthians 13:1). The word of God is authentic, infallible and cannot lie, the same word that cannot lie referred us to the book of Jasher twice, this means that the book of Jasher is a credible source to obtain information (Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18 obtained from Jasher 88:64; Jasher 56:9). If God’s word referred us to the book of Jasher, I did like to refer us back to the same book of Jasher for some assistance in other to trace and determined the offsprings of Phut descendants. The book of Jasher told us that Phut had four sons, and specifically gave us their names (Jasher 7:12). With their names, the scholars were able to trace Phuts descendants to various Bantu tribes in Sub-Saharan

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