Peter Quince In A Midsummer's Night Dream

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In A Midsummer’s Night Dream, Peter Quince a carpenter who plays Prologue in the subplot of Philostrates’ attempt at organizing the entertainment for the Duke of Athens and Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, often known as the nominal leader of the play within the play. Peter Quince, although a carpenter, has one goal in mind as he and the other characters do as well. Through giving out the names on scroll to the other characters to play a part in the play, rehearsing the play in the woods, and performing it in front of Theseus and Hippolyta, Peter Quince’s ambition is to put on the play, making sure everything goes as plan as a celebration of their marriage. Peter Quince’s character is a minor character, a character whose personality remains the same throughout the play, and a character that puts on a play for Theseus and Hippolyta in the …show more content…

His intentions are to help out Philostrate, Theseus’s Master of the Revels, put on a play for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding. With one goal in mind, Peter Quince takes full responsibility of the play as he gives out parts in the play, rehearses the play, and even performs it in front of all the noble men and women that attended the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Peter Quince’s character is a minor character whose character changes in the play to a major character because he is of importance, and he is a static character whose personality remains the same but changes as well because of his role as Prologue in the play. His character as a minor character, a character whose personality does not change, and a character that puts on a play for the Duke and Hippolyta in the woods is a character of importance throughout the entire play even though he is not considered to be a major character; his character is portrayed throughout the entire play and even in the play within in the

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