Pet Peeve Research Paper

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According to Whoopi Goldberg, "I don't have pet peeves; I have whole kennels of irritation." There are people all over the world who have situations and things that bother or annoy them. To some people, a pet peeve could be something at makes people want to punch someone else in the face. The three pet peeves that irritate me the most are pure noises, rubbing teeth on silverware, and cracking fingers or other bones. The first pet peeve that drives me crazy is puke noises. The first reason why a pet peeve of mine is puke noises is because it sounds disgusting. For example, when people make fake puke noises and it sounds like they are seriously throwing up. Another example would be when people are actually throwing up; I can never tell which …show more content…

The first reason why silverware rubbing on teeth is annoying is because it hurts my ears. For example, when I do it to myself when I am eating I gape and open my mouth and take my fork out. The next reason why a pet peeve of mine is silverware rubbing on teeth is because it is not pleasing at all to my eyes. Some times I send an intimation like glaring at them to see if they get the hint to stop or not. For example, when people bite on their forks it reminds me of a dog biting on a bone. Another example is it looks nasty when you are sitting across from someone who is chomping on their silverware. The last reason why people biting on their silverware is a pet peeve of mine is because it hurts my teeth. For example, I have sensitive teeth and when I bite on my forked spoon I can feel my teeth crying on the inside. Another example is when I accidentally bite and drag the fork out of mouth and it feels like my mouth is throbbing. That is why people biting on their silverware drives me …show more content…

The first reason why cracking fingers is a pet peeve of mine is because it is gross. For example, when people can crack all their fingers at one time and not feel like crying like I do when I try to crack all my fingers. Another example is when someone does it one at a time and you can hear it crack nice and loud all the way across the room. The next reason why cracking fingers is a pet peeve of mine is because it hurts. For example, when I try to crack a finger and it does not crack, it feels like it is jammed for the rest of the day. Another example is when I crack a finger and it cracks really loud and it feels limb for the rest of the day also. The final reason why cracking fingers is a pet peeve of mine is because it is very irritating. For example, there is always at least one person in each of my classes that cracks their fingers or neck. Most people who are ambidextrous crack all their fingers on both of their hands. Even if they aren't ambidextrous they still can crack all their fingers. Another example is some people do it every class period and most of the time it is silent when they do it. That is why people cracking their fingers or neck is a pet peeve of mine. My pet peeves largely have to do with some of the things people do and say. My first pet peeve is puke noises. Another pet peeve of mine is when people bite on their silverware. The last pet peeve of mine is when people

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