Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Essay

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is defined by select characteristics (compulsions) and thoughts (obsessions). Obsessive-compulsive disorder usually consists of irrational obsessions, fears, and compulsions. (Mayo, 1) Though obsessions and compulsions are common, it is not necessary to have both when defining Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some individuals with OCD only have obsessions or compulsions. (Mayo,1) It takes a professions therapist to diagnose Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Therapists will look for three things in an individual to determine if they have Obsessive-compulsive disorder. The first thing therapist looks for in a person is whether or not the person has obsessions. Next, a therapist will determine whether or not the person has compulsive behaviors. Lastly, the therapist must determine if the obsessions and/or compulsions take a lot of time and conflict with activities in the person’s life. (Ocfoundation, 1) Obsessive-compulsive disorder tends to stem around certain categories. Fears, such as germs, are often a major category attacked by OCD. (Mayo, 1) These fears turn into obsessions, which can cause detrimental conflict in one’s life. Obsessions are thoughts, images, or impulses that keep reoccurring and lack control by the person obtaining them. (Ocfoundation, 2) Generally, these obsessions are unwanted by the person and are generally disturbing and confusing. Feelings of discomfort typically follow such thoughts as well as the wanting to correct the feeling of discomfort. (Ocfoundation, 3) Some of the most common obsessions today are body contamination, losing control, perfectionism, harm, or unwanted sexual thoughts. (Ocfoundation,4) In order to correct unwanted thoughts or obsessions, a person generally ... ... middle of paper ... ...t to find a therapist who knows how to do Exposure and Response Prevention therapy. A therapist should be open and friendly towards a patient’s decision about finding help. A patient’s relationship with their therapist is important because they will be disclosing a lot of information to their therapist, some of which may be embarrassing or uncomfortable. (Ocfoundation, 9) Obsessive-compulsive disorder may not seem like much to some but to others it can make or break their life. It is a disease that can be diagnosed and treatment plans are available. It is important to understand the meaning of Obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as making it a point to find a professional therapist who is able to handle the diagnosis and treatment of Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder does not have to be a lifestyle; a person can choose to win the battle.

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